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'Alicthug Embankment'
Alicthug Embankment is my first diorama. I wanted to build one to see if I enjoyed it as an exercise in showcasing trains and wagons - I did!
Alicthug Embankment serves to display my rake of Cumberland Granite 5 plank wagons. It's also got a few stray sheep that seem to have lost their way.
It has been a well-received partner to Brocolitia in exhibitions and shows
Please click on the construction diary images below...
20221021_113851 | 20221021_113859 (1) | 20200201_170159Original baseboard for this and Inglenook Sidings... |
20200315_193037Carved with a big knife carefully and then hot glued in to place... | 20200316_214058Early shape to the embankment. Foam underlay, papier mache topping... | 20200322_110704Trying out clay rock outcrops... |
20200322_171118Adding the greenery... | 20200322_171127Wall in place... | 20200324_180806Greening the wall... |
20200324_180823More overhead, more a verb... | 20200328_155549Scaling for photos... | 20200326_140337Sunshine photo shoot... |
20200326_140235Trees and more wandering sheep... | 20200326_140230Better shot in focus of my pal 'Rob'... | 20200326_140356Making sure 'Robert' could see over the top. Up close and personal... |
20200326_140330Full overhead shot of the entire diorama... | 20200326_140209And off he goes in to the distance in the sunshine... |
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