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'Nana-on-the Hill'
'Nana-on-the-Hill' was my first layout built within a 'container.' This container happened to be a suitcase before I discovered there was a certain 'vogue' for building layouts in suitcases!
It gets its name from the figure at the top of the hill. Stood serenely waving down at the departing family, off to catch the train back to where ever they live.
The layout features a fishing pond. The fishermen were adapted from seated figures by Preiser. They included in their adaption fishing line derived from a cats whisker. Seemed to fit...
Please click on the construction diary images below...and enjoy the video!
20180408_172403The station building shining a light... | 20180408_172121Looking up the hill at Nana... | 20180408_172130Descending view of the hedges... |
20180408_172321Those domestic tornadoes are terrible things... | 20180408_172141Full view image... |
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